What is juice fasting?

A period of time where you abstain from all solid foods and commit to drinking vegetable and fruit juices, herbal teas and water for the renewal, recharging and realignment of the body, mind and spirit. 

A fast becomes a sort of "lifestyle change" as so many patterns and routines become disrupted. Many long term dieters say fasting is easier than dieting, after the first few days.


How and why it works. 

When you give your digestive system “a break” your body begins to devote it to healing tissues and releasing toxins that have been built up over time through diet and environment. These accumulations are released from the liver, colon, kidneys, blood and lymphatic system. 

Enzymes that are normally used for digestion are released into the bloodstream where they take on the job of cleaning up damaged and diseased cells. 

These cells are then replaced with healthier cells. 

It’s amazing what the body can do with a little “off time” from food and a lot of nutrients. 


Why short fasts aren’t as effective.

Understanding the body’s digestive process is essential in how you mentally approach your fast. This is one of the keys to your success. 

Keep in mind that for the first few days of a fast, your body is still digesting left over food from previous meals. From there, the body moves on to stored food reserves from the liver, so essentially a fast doesn’t start for a few days, although your mind has already begun. 

This is why short fasts can be misleading.

However, if you’re just starting your fasting journey, a few days to “learn the ropes” may be helpful but for the best benefits of fasting, five days or more is ideal. It all depends on your goals. 


Why extended fasts are effective.

For general maintenance a 7-14 day fast can certainly get the job done however, 21 day fasts can truly work wonders for those with weight loss and acute dis-ease issues. 

Deeper healing starts to take place around 21 days when your cells are far along enough to be regenerating from stronger cells created earlier in the fast. For less experienced fasters supervision is advised. 


How many calories will I receive per day?

This fast is not designed for calorie counting however, each day provides on average 1,200 calories depending on your juicer and other factors. While many people do lose weight, this is a side effect of the toxins being eliminated from your fat cells. If you are concerned about losing weight consider drinking more juice to support your metabolism. 


Where will I get my protein while juicing?

The included green juice recipe contains 6 grams of protein per serving. Furthermore, many veggies contain a surprisingly high amount of protein. 


Where will I get my fiber while juicing?

Although juicing extracts the insoluble fiber the nutrient rich soluble fiber remains and is much better absorbed by the body, however you may need some assistance in elimination which the guide provides several solutions for.


Why should I juice sugar-free?

Although it can be pretty tough (and not advised if you don't have sufficient downtime) a sugar-free fast (no fruits or veggies that contain sugar) can be revolutionary for wellness. Sugar in any form feeds yeast, inflammation, disease and also prevents you from fully resetting your cravings for stimulating sweets. Note that our included recipes contain both sugar-free as well as sugar options to cut the taste of the greens and provide energy.

When should I consider a supervised fast?

If you're fasting long term (14 days +) or to alleviate serious conditions, you should consider a supervised fast. Another reason to seek supervision is if you are extremely overweight and are wanting to fast to lose weight. Obesity presents its own unique challenges in what are likely more severe eating patterns and addictions.

Please keep in mind fasting is not recommended for:

  • pregnant or nursing
  • growing children
  • those with eating disorders
  • pre or post surgery
  • those on a daily prescription medication, be sure to consult with a health professional
  • anyone diagnosed with diabetes, hypo/hyper-glycemic kidney or liver disease, anemia, low blood pressure, a terminal disease, epilepsy or any other other compelling medical reasons not listed should fast under the guidance of a medical professional

All material provided is for informational purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advice or recommendation. Any health concern or condition should be addressed by a doctor or other appropriate health care professional. The information and opinions found via email or website are written based on the best data available at the time of writing, and are believed to be accurate according to the best discernment of the authors. 

Those who do not seek counsel from the appropriate health care authority assume the liability of any injury which may occur.